400 letters from my mother
Joseph Oubelkas
An unthinkable nightmare: an innocent man in prison. This is the true story of Joseph Oubelkas, who in late 2004, at the age of 24, embarked on a business trip to Morocco. There, without evidence or investigation, he was sentenced to ten years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit. Despite obvious errors in the verdict, and the conclusion of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs that no evidence pointed to his involvement; Joseph was still sentenced to prison. Enduring a harsh and unjust life in various prisons, Joseph somehow persevered and built some very special friendships along the way. He attributes his strength to the unconditional support he received throughout his ordeal; thousands of letters and cards from friends, acquaintances and strangers. But most importantly: the 400 letters from his mom.
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400 letters from my mother